Resource Hub

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Welcome to the imoves Resource Hub! Explore a wide range of tools, guides, and inspiration designed to help you create active, engaging, and healthier learning environments for your students. Dive in and discover everything you need to transform your classroom with movement and creativity!

happy kids running into school

Mental Health & Well-Being in Schools

Supporting children's mental health is essential for their happiness, learning, and development. This hub provides insights, strategies, and resources to help schools promote mental well-being in schools, build resilience, and create a positive learning environment for every child.

happy kids running into school

Policy and Funding

Discover key insights, guidance, and resources on policies and funding to help you make the most of opportunities like PESS Premium. Support your school's journey to becoming more active and impactful!

happy kids running into school

Planning the Perfect Sports Day

We’re super thrilled to present you with a day brimming with pure kinetic joy - the imoves All-Inclusive Sports Day Spectacular! This plan is your ticket to a day that’s chock-a-block with fitness, fun and some fantastic memories.

happy kids running into school

Netball Knowledge Organiser

Explore the Netball Knowledge Organiser by imoves! Learn key positions, rules, and techniques like passing, shooting, marking, and footwork. Discover fun netball facts and download the PDF for printable resources!

happy kids running into school

Physical Education - Curriculum Builder Workbook

If you’re a teacher or educator who has been given the role of physical education subject lead in your school. This role can be completely overwhelming. Check out our Workbook to give you the best start.

happy kids running into school

Gymnastics for Primary School

If you are reading this, you are probably a teacher or educator who wants to teach Gymnastics in your school but doesn’t know where to start.
You may be thinking that you don’t feel confident enough to demonstrate the gymnastics moves or you’re not sure about safety for the children.
