Revamp your gymnastics lessons with our engaging programme, designed for 4 to 11-year-olds

5-Star Rated By Primary School Teachers And Loved By Over 150,000 Kids

Feeling a bit nervous about teaching gymnastics in your Primary School? Don't worry, we've got you covered!

Our gymnastics programme gives EVERY teacher, irrespective of experience or skill level, the confidence to teach high quality gymnastics lessons that are safe, fun and engaging.

Just click on our video to find out more!

Get a 28-Day FREE Trial of Our Gymnastics Resources!

Plus 'free for life' access to a smaller selection of resources and CPD support

No credit card required. No contract. And 100% risk free.

Start my 28-day FREE trial NOW!

What's included in our gymnastics programme?

A 12-week programme with a simple lesson structure to guide children towards mastering gymnastics skills with fun and excitement!

Get ready to tackle all the tricky stuff with our demonstration technique movies, designed to support and enhance your teaching!

Get your class moving and grooving with our expertly produced music mixes, designed to help your children learn how to move to the beat with ease!

Transform your class into confident and skilled performers with our lesson plans and flashcards, specifically designed to help structure creative tasks and make learning a joyful experience!

Get a glimpse into our gymnastics units with these demo movies:

Skill - Jumping

Aimed at 4-5 year olds, this 'jumping' lessons teaches children the correct technique when performing a 2 to 2 feet jump.

Skill - Rolling

Aimed at 6-7 year olds, this 'rolling' lesson teaches children how to perform an 'egg roll'

Skill - Travelling

Aimed at 10-11 year olds, this 'travelling' lesson teaches children various types of leap movements.

Get a 28-Day FREE Trial of Our Gymnastics Resources!

Plus 'free for life' access to a smaller selection of resources and CPD support

No credit card required. No contract. And 100% risk free.

Start my 28-day FREE trial NOW!

School subscriptions from £147 to £247 per year:

Access to our comprehensive 12-week gymnastics programme, complete with lesson plans, videos, music and flashcards plus CPD support videos and teaching guides!

Kickstart your journey with a personalised consultation with one of our expert imoves coaches, and join our founder Imogen for weekly clinics to get all your queries answered and become a pro in no time!

Maximise teaching potential with 25% off our face-to-face gymnastics CPD sessions - empower your staff to deliver effective lessons with ease.

28-Day Free Trial

See how easy delivering top-quality gymnastics lessons can be with imoves:

28-days to fully explore the platform and try a selection of our premium gymnastics resources with your class.

Online CPD support and tried-and-tested teaching guides packed with ideas so you can feel super confident delivering gymnastics lessons to your class.

PLUS a selection of 'free for life' resources - from exploring the 6 principles of gymnastics, to delivering a skills based lesson.

Get a 28-Day FREE Trial of Our Gymnastics Resources!

Plus 'free for life' access to a smaller selection of resources and CPD support

No credit card required. No contract. And 100% risk free.

Start my 28-day FREE trial NOW!

Trusted by educators like you - see what these teachers have to say about us...

Sean, Assistant Head Teacher

Having the movies to use with the children really gives the staff more confidence. The resources are up to date, and engage the children more in each lesson.

Stephanie, Teacher

It's fun and the children love it. It's enjoyable for me and for them. It's very quick to get ready in the morning.

Louise, Head Teacher

It's really engaging for the children. Staff absolutely love using it and we've seen a dramatic difference in children's attitudes to learning and concentration.

Our latest reviews