Download the FREE Dice Challenge Here

World Maths Day

Here's an interesting read - it’s a study by some pretty awesome Sports Scientists at Nottingham Trent University.

And it showed that those children who did physically active maths lessons for eight hours per week, saw a boost in their cognition and motor skills, as well as enhancing their mathematical ability.

Pretty impressive, right? It’s something we’ve known for years, but great to see another independent study confirming the same finding.

And that’s why we've dedicated a whole section on our platform to Active Learning.

You see, on the imoves platform, there’s everything you need to deliver your lessons more actively - ready-made lesson plans, fun videos, music, flashcards and slide-decks.

Like this Times Table warm up activity

And to celebrate World Maths Day (Wednesday 8th March), here’s another FREE download for you. 

The Dice Challenge is lots of fun - it can be completed in the classroom, in the playground, or even at home!

Download the FREE Dice Challenge Here