Where Did Our PE Teachers Go?

Hey fabulous teachers!

Remember the buzz of London 2012? The promises that it would inspire a whole generation to get active? Fast forward to now, and somehow, we’ve lost 7,000 PE teachers, and one-third of kids are barely moving for 30 minutes a day—including walking! That’s not exactly the Olympic legacy we were hoping for, is it?

A recent inquiry found that since 2011-12, schools are down 41,000 hours of PE and sport. Meanwhile, government stats bizarrely started counting things like gardening, dog-walking, and even popping out for a packet of Rothmans as ‘sporting activity’—you couldn’t make it up!

So here we are, facing a crisis where physical activity is being squeezed out of the school day, and children are missing out on the huge benefits of movement—better focus, improved wellbeing, and all the social skills that come with teamwork and play.

What Can We Do?

Let’s be honest—we can’t magically replace 7,000 PE teachers overnight. But we can make sure movement is part of every school day. Here’s how:

1️⃣ Prioritise Active Learning – Get kids moving in lessons, not just in PE. Whether it’s phonics on the move, active maths, or brain breaks, every little helps.-

Check out our Active 30 minute resources here - supporting teachers' crowbar activity into their already packed curriculum.

2️⃣ Fight for PE Time – PE is an important part of the curriculum for child development. Push back on it being sidelined for extra classroom time—active kids learn better anyway!

3️⃣ Make It Easy – Schools are stretched, so let’s use resources that help teachers deliver high-quality movement easily (shameless plug) like imoves Primary PE, which helps non-specialists deliver great PE lessons across the board.

4️⃣ Celebrate Sport for All – It’s not just about elite athletes. Every child deserves a chance to find their sport or activity, whether it’s dance, gymnastics, yoga, or football.

The bottom line? We don’t need Olympic gold medals (although it is fabulous). We need daily movement that supports every child’s health and happiness. Let’s bring back daily PA, one active classroom at a time!

What’s happening in your school? Are you seeing PE time squeezed, or are you fighting back? Drop a comment—I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Stay active, Imogen