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Transforming Physical Education Standards in Primary Schools

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Evolution of Physical Education Expectations

As the educational landscape continues to evolve, so do the expectations placed upon physical education (PE), sport, and physical activity in schools across England. With the goal of fostering holistic development and well-rounded students, the role of PE has shifted beyond merely promoting sport. Educators now face the challenge of providing high-quality PE that instills confidence, inclusivity, and educational effectiveness.

In this pursuit of excellence, educators often find themselves grappling with questions about what a quality assured resource is and how to implement sustainable teaching practices. The complexities arise from ongoing debates about the purpose of PE, differing priorities, policy considerations, and varying levels of teacher confidence and training experiences.

Significance of Quality Marks and Accreditations

The provision of teacher education and continuing professional development (CPD) emerges as a pivotal pillar in empowering educators to deliver sound and fulfilling PE lessons. Sarah Williams, Primary PE Specialist Course Leader at Sheffield Hallam University, shares her insights from trainee and early career teachers. She reveals that, “The lack of experience or comprehensive understanding of PE progression often leaves educators seeking guidance on identifying quality teaching resources.”

Sarah emphasizes the “significance of impartial quality marks and accreditations, which offer a framework for assessing resources, ensuring educators make informed choices amidst the variety of commercial offers.” Established in 2000, in England, the Professional Development Board (PDB) for PE is the independent authority assessing the quality of CPD – be it physical or digital – for practitioners in PE, school sport, and physical activity. It works closely with Ofsted and the Department for Education. The PDB’s rigorous assessment process guarantees that CPD consistently meets high standards.

The imoves Journey to Accreditation

Eager to address schools’ queries on quality, we at imoves resolved to meet the highest standards for our primary school offer. This demanded an arduous effort, culminating in a comprehensive application process which included outlining resource aims, impact on teachers and students, team structure, design details, and references from collaborating schools. Additionally, the PDB was granted access to the imoves platform to conduct a thorough evaluation of the resources.

The PDB’s assessment yielded positive outcomes, acknowledging our role in delivering transformative PE experiences that extend throughout the school environment. Notably, our impact on broader skills, like confidence, teamwork, emotional wellbeing, and physical activity beyond PE lessons, drew recognition. The journey to accreditation wasn’t without challenges. Initial feedback highlighted the need to streamline our assessment tools to better align with Ofsted’s requirements, saving significant teacher effort. This process, though demanding, proved invaluable in refining our offer. Subsequent re-application with revised assessment tools led to PDB approval. The board lauded imoves’ professional support for our far-reaching impact on educators, from novices to veterans.

For schools navigating the terrain of quality assured resources, the imoves experience underscores the value of PDB accreditation. The assurance of independent evaluation and alignment with stringent standards offers educators confidence in selecting resources that uphold excellence. The application process itself not only reaffirms resource quality but also illuminates areas for enhancement.

In conclusion, the journey towards providing high-quality PE, sport, and physical activity is complex, and the importance of independently accredited resources becomes clear. The imoves story showcases the transformative potential of meeting the PDB’s rigorous criteria, ensuring teachers are armed with resources that embody educational excellence. PDB-accredited resources stand as beacons of quality, contributing to the holistic development of students and the enrichment of the educational experience.

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