How to choose the right PE programme for your Primary School...

Part 1 - Three Outdated PE Approaches

Watch this quick video (2-min, 39-sec) to understand 3 outdated PE approaches you might be using

We are always speaking to teachers in primary schools who are being asked to use outdated concepts in physical education.  

Are you being asked to base your PE curriculum on specific sports?

Is the main focus always on competition rather than skills?

Can you easily follow what you're meant to be doing or is it over-complicated and confusing?  

Let Ryan take you through the three outdated approaches that you might be using right now, that are resulting in a style of PE only fit for the dark ages, and how you can make sure you're using the latest child-centred approaches. 

Next - find out the 1st five key ingredients to look for in your PE programme
Click here for part 2

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